SSSP Water Day

As part of the Stratford Schools Sustainability Programme, Graduate Planet worked with 7 Warwickshire schools and 333 primary school children to deliver exciting educational trips on the River Avon. This included water conservation workshops designed by Warwick University - Global Sustainability student Sara Lovecka who took the children through exciting activities to learn how much water there is in the world, how they can reduce their water consumption and pollution and how they can support healthy river ecosystems and wildlife.
In the afternoon the children travelled down the river in bell-boats investigating a variety of flora, fauna, river features to help them:
● Understand that water is one of the most valuable natural resources on the planet.
● Understand how important rivers are for water purification, rainwater storage and wildlife conservation
● Explain what a natural water source is and the causes and effects of water pollution.
● Identify natural wildlife habitats and features along the river Avon.
● Take action to protect and conserve water.

The day begins with fun lessons in a tent by the river. An ecologist teaches them about the world’s water, where it is, why it’s important, and
how the water cycle affects animals, plants and humans.
The children think about how much water humans use, and learn about common water wasters and savers before making their own ‘water promise’.

Inspired by the ‘Stop and think, not down the sink’ campaign, The children learn about the causes and effects of water pollution, and simple things they can do at home to support water cycles.
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