Graduate Planet CIC has become a Water Carrier for TreeSisters

Imagine a reforestation revolution ignited by the shared creativity and courage of a global network of millions of women.
TreeSisters is a non-profit organisation aiming to radically accelerate tropical reforestation by engaging the unique feminine consciousness, gifts and leadership of women everywhere and focusing it towards global action.
TreeSisters are planting over a million trees a year, and they are now calling for women to plant a billion trees a year, by becoming a treesister and contributing monthly to tropical reforestation.
This is an invitation for the co-creativity of women to rise like a tide on behalf of the trees.
“Scientifically, practically, and emotionally, the work and purpose of TreeSisters is one of, if not the most, significant initiatives that can be undertaken by humankind to address the future of civilization. The world’s greatest land-based stores of carbon reside between the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn in the form of forests. Their restoration is critical to reverse climate change and create a humane and liveable future. Can women accomplish something that has failed governments and agencies for decades? I not only think so —I believe it may be the only way it can be accomplished.”
~ Paul Hawken, Author of 'Blessed Unrest' and Founder of Project Drawdown