Launching the Green Business Network

Graduate Planet was delighted to be at the launch of the Coventry and Warwickshire Green Business Network which is helping midlands based businesses to become more energy efficient and find new market opportunities in the low carbon sector.
It was a brilliant event, both inspiring and encouraging, offering businesses one-to-one and one-to-many support activities such as :-
Free access to workshops, seminars and networking and supply chain events
Free energy efficiency surveys to identify areas of potential energy savings
Energy efficiency grants
Innovation grants to develop new products for the low carbon sector that are either new to the market or new to the firm
Free support to new business start-ups including product development assistance.
If you are midlands based and you would like some free help to make your business more energy efficient and make the most of low carbon opportunities please contact Sarah Watson
Resource Efficiency Officer - Sarah Watson
Tel: 024 7683 2040